Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma (Unsurya) – Jakarta October 4, 2022, Rector of Unsurya Dr. SUNGKONO, SE., MSi accompanied by Dr. Syamsunasir, S.Sos, MM, CFrA (Vice Chancellor 1), SUPOMO, SIP., MSc (Vice Chancellor 3) along with the Postgraduate Director, Deans and Karokermawa visited for Technolife Independent Campus Training.
The Rector of Unsurya and his entourage was warmly welcomed by the CEO of the Bhimasena Research Center, Mrs. Evi Lusviana along with the director and his expert staff. It is hoped that with this visit, strong collaboration can be established between Elementa and Bhimasena Research Center Jatinangor Bandung, so that it can be mutually beneficial both in the field of research and others.